Cerseuil, Saint-Pierre
model analysis

Building Data for Cerseuil, Saint-Pierre

  • Type: Abbey
  • Affiliation: Premontre
  • Region: Picardie
  • Department: Aisne
  • Coords: 49.325, 3.5179
  • Surveyed: 1977, 1980-83, 2003, 2014


Studies These draft studies have been written as if all carvings were by an individual whereas they can equally be analysed as template modes employed by a number of carvers. 
    	    The more personal approach was necessitated by the complexity of the data. The drafts will be reconsidered after I have added the rib vault material to the database.

These draft studies have been written as if all carvings were by an individual whereas they can equally be analysed as template modes employed by a number of carvers. The more personal approach was necessitated by the complexity of the data. The drafts will be reconsidered after I have added the rib vault material to the database.

Under construction

Timeline and building units for Cerseuil, Saint-Pierre A 'building unit' is an arbitrary unit of work based on bulk billing techniques used by quantity surveyors. 
    	    The unit is small enough to provide realistic figures in the small churches without becoming too huge in the large. 
    	    Six units would pay for one small vaulted bay in an aisle about 3 metres square, or a small first-floor gallery. 
    	    Such a bay would consist of an external wall with a small window, half of two columns about 3 meters tall, the floor and footings under them and the vault and roof overhead.

A 'building unit' is an arbitrary unit of work based on bulk billing techniques used by quantity surveyors. The unit is small enough to provide realistic figures in the small churches without becoming too huge in the large. Six units would pay for one small vaulted bay in an aisle about 3 metres square, or a small first-floor gallery. Such a bay would consist of an external wall with a small window, half of two columns about 3 meters tall, the floor and footings under them and the vault and roof overhead.


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1050 1120s 1190s 1200s 1210s 1230s 1240s 1250


created by Alain Menager with advice from John James

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