Reims, Saint-Remi
Building Data for Reims, Saint-Remi
- Type: Abbey
- Affiliation: Benedictine
- Region: Champagne-Ardenne
- Department: Marne
- Coords: 49.243, 4.0419
- Surveyed: 1969, 1977, 1980-83, 2003, 2005, 2015
Documents for Reims, Saint-Remi
1162/1181Construction mentioned in letters CUM FRONS ET CHORUS ECCLESIAE SUAE EA STRUCTURA NON EFFET, QUAE FRANCORUM APOSTOLUM DECERENT, STATUIT EAS PARTES MAGNIFICENTIUS CONSTRUERE,... NOBILEM ECCLESIAM NOSTRAM, TAM IN FRONTE QUAM IN VENTRE, CUI CAPUT SECUNDUM SE DEERAT, FABRICANDAM SUSCEPIMUS...CAPUT MONASTERII NOSTRI RENOVARE AGGREDIOR, ET CUM DEI AUXILIO JAM OPUS INCHOATUM RIDET, ET SEQUENTIS OPERIS SUSPICIA NOBILIA SPONDET. Whereas the choir and façade of his church had not been reconstructed, as might become the apostle of France, he decided to construct them more splendidly,... Our noble church, was lacking in front as in the center, and even the choir itself, we have undertaken to build...I was approached to renew the choir of the monastery, and through God's help the work began, and thereafter looked forward to the promise of great works. Source: Archives de la Marne CH 10058 (Marlot) Petri abbati Cellensis epistelarum, ed. 1613, ix, epist. 4 and 5, 369 and 371. |
1179-1180Construction. NAM CAPUT MONASTERII NOSTRI RENOVARE VOLENTES, CUM DEI ADJUTORIO MANUM AD FORTIA MITTIMUS.... ...NOBILEM ECCLESIAM NOSTRAM, TAM IN FRONTE QUAM IN VENTRE, CUI CAPUT SECUNDUM SE DEERAT, FABRICANDAM SUSCEPIMUS... CAPUT MONASTERII NOSTRI RENOVARE AGGREDIOR, ET CUM DEI AUXILIO JAM OPUS INCHOATUM RIDET, ET SEQUENTIS OPERIS SUSPICIA NOBILIA SPONDET. For we wished the choir of our church to be rebuilt, with the aid of God’s hand it was indeed undertaken.... Our noble church, was lacking in front as in the center, and even the choir itself, we have undertaken to build...I was approached to renew the choir of the monastery, and through God’s help the work began, and thereafter looked forward to the promise of great works. Source: Patrologia Latina, ccii, col. 606, 610, and 598. In the letters of Abbot Pierre de Celle hediscusses the building program. None are dated. |
1181 or 1182Altar of Saint-Pierre dedicated. ...DEDICATUM EST IPSA DIE AB D. PETRO CARNOT. EPCOPO ET AYLENARDO LUGDUN. ARCHIEPCO. ...this day [the altar of Saint-Pierre] was dedicated by Pierre, bishop of Chartres, and Aylenard, archbishop of Lyon. Source: Prache, 1978, 33. Cites Reims, Bibl. Mun. MS 339. The ordinary of the sacristan refers to two consecrations of the same altar that implies that the altar was moved froman older place so it could be reconsecrated in a new position at this date. This probably dates the demolition of the remains of the old choir. |